What’s the story behind Beamly?
Beamly Health was started in 2019 in Singapore by Aubrey Ng and Nic Reiser. Their mission is to bring affordable, quality behavioural health care to families when it’s needed.
Aubrey was trained by two leading US-based clinical psychologists in the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis and is a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA). With over 20 years of experience providing personalized ABA-therapy to children, Aubrey has seen how high-quality intervention delivers life-changing outcomes for families. However, late intervention and high treatment costs remain significant challenges for many families, which the Beamly team is focsed on solving with technology and a clinical care model.
How long has Beamly been in business?
Beamly was started in 2019 and is incorporated in Singapore.
Where are you located?
We have operations in Singapore and Manila. If you don’t live near one of our centres, we may still be able to provide at-home and telehealth services. Just give us a call to learn more!
What services do you offer?
We offer a wide range of services from early developmental screening to Booster programs (expert-created programs to develop a child’s cognitive-linguistic-social-emotive and adaptive abilities). We also provide behavioural therapy to treat ASD, ADHD, sensory processing disorder and other conditions for children of all ages.
Visit our services page/Homepage to learn more.
Not all services may be available in all locations.
Who are your products for?
Children (of all ages) are our primary focus at Beamly. We work with families, preschools and other organizations to bring our services to as many children as possible.
What makes your early developmental screening program different from existing system?
Today’s system for accessing early developmental screening is both expensive and difficult to access due to shortages of specialists. As a result, conditions are often diagnosed much later than is possible – 3 years later, on average in the case of ASD. This matters because early intervention produces more favourable outcomes, over a child’s lifetime, than support that’s provided later in life.
We’re solving these painful issues with a screening solution that is effective, accessible, and actionable.
Effective - 5X better testing coverage across all major developmental milestones (ASD is also tested). Our testing has been validated by experts, including at Singapore’s leading university hospital (NUH).
Accessible - 3X cheaper than specialist-led solutions; the mobile app-based screening tool has also been designed to be used by people with different levels of expertise (e.g., parents, teachers, nurses etc.).
Actionable - results are shown immediately using a simple 5-bar scoring scale, with any potential concerns flagged for the user to act on.
What is the impact of this service to families and the development of kids?
Our service empowers families to support their child at the most important stage of their development. Decades of neuroscience and behavioural research, show that child development, particularly from birth to five years, is the foundation for all learning, behaviour and health in later life. This is why we’re focused on helping families to understand their child’s cognitive, linguistic, social, motor and adaptive development in these formative years, to better provide support at the right time.
How much is your screening package and what are the inclusions?
Our in-home pricing – starting from PHP2,500/ test/child – is 3X cheaper than specialist-led screening. It includes a Beamly specialist conducting the test in your home, explaining the results, and advising on any next steps.
How do you book a service?
Getting started with Beamly is simple.
Go to the Beamly’s Philippines website, and complete the “Contact Us” form.
Our team will schedule an appointment time that works for you.
Our specialist conducts the screening in your home.