Early Developmental Screening

One of the biggest challenges in pediatric behavioural health today is late diagnosis of developmental conditions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that as many as 1 child in 10 in the United States (over 6 million children) has a developmental condition2 and that many of these children do not receive a formal diagnosis as early as is possible. In the case of autism, children who received a formal ASD diagnosis did so at an average age of a little under 4 and a half years, 3 years later than is possible3.

As a result, many children do not receive the right care when it can have the greatest impact - during early childhood. Research shows that early intervention can change a child's developmental trajectory and have lifelong benefits and be more cost-effective over time.

Our goal here at Beamly is to make early developmental screening universally accessible and support affordable.


Exciting news!!